Saturday, September 6, 2014

Chapter 5: Begone, You Demon Spawn from Heck!

Hello, friends! Welcome back! So did you know that when adults need to fill their social life, if you auto solve it they will go up to the big stuffed animals and talk to them/make fun of them/socialize with them? Yep. That happened.

I sent Joanna to the library to meet her next man. She sat down next to this guy and at first things went well!

Then she tried to flirt with him and realized he has a significant other. That's ok. No need to be embarrassed, Joanna. He has questionable fashion sense...ain't nobody got time for that...

After the library, I sent her to the museum. There were two people there. They were both women. Eventually I gave up and sent her home. She saw this guy taking a jog down the sidewalk and decided to chat him up. Turns out he is Goeffrey Landgraab! 

And he wasn't picking up ANYTHING she was putting down.

Whatever. She had birthdays to take care of inside! Yes, another week had passed and first up it was time to age Alyssa up to teenage status. Birthday goodness! Rosalie sang while Joanna spun the noise makers. I will admit, I kind of miss the whole family coming down to celebrate :(



Well...heeeelllllooooo, gorgeous! Holy moly that is a pretty Sim!

Haaaahahahaha. So...the twins' adult birthdays came up next. This picture....this picture, though...

Next up, I invited Milan over and added him to the household to age him up. Cause reasons ;)

Joanna's over there thinkin 'Oh yeah. I see what's going on here. I get what you're doing. I see where you're going with this. I'm on the same page as you. Unlike Geoffrey, I'm pickin up what you're puttin down. I'm -"

We get it, Jo. -_-

Proposal spam! Of course she said yes <3

I chose to throw a wedding. I learned that they happen immediately. So Milan and Lindsey got married in the middle of the night haha. Here, have some wedding spam as well!

The twins' dad came too! Both the first and last things that he did were give his baby girl a big hug. I love him <3

Once the wedding was over, Joanna sent Lindsey and Milan off into the world together with a parting hug. I was super confused by the whole splitting/merging families process at first. I had to go to the forums to ask for help. But now that I know how it works, it's super easy! Now if someone could get a Story Progression mod going, that would be fantastical. It's not as exciting to send them off into the big wide world knowing that I won't get any updates on their lives and I know they won't, like, have babies and such on their own :( P.S. Lindsey chunked up a little bit...too much wedding cake ;)

Once that was done, I had Joanna invite Geoffrey over to give things another try. Yep, you got it, Jo. You know how to hook a man, that's for sure. Nothing says 'do me' quite like crazy eyes.

Things went really smooth this time around!

We-he-heeell...I know what that look means, Joanna! First kiss time!

Eventually they moved the party upstairs and Joanna made her big move. In front of her kids. That's ok, though, cause Rosalie's face CLEARLY says 'Get it, girl!'

These two are actually quite precious together <3

And out in the hallway? Creepy Rosalie is creepin' outside the bedroom door!

Flirty pregnancy test time :P

Joanna is expecting! And she is EXCITE!

Next up it was time to tell Geoffrey the news. THAT is how you react, Marcos. You don't cry. Jerk.

The Tredways spent the rest of the day catching up on skills and aspiration goals. Joanna went back to reading to Ciel, which killed two birds with one stone for each of their aspirations.

I bought an activity table for Bethany so she could practice drawing. They draw some adorable pictures!

Alyssa worked on building up her charisma skill. She also obtained a part time job as a retail associate.

After finishing their reading, mommy got some cuddles in. CUTE. <3

The final piece of her aspiration goal required that she adopt a child. I went ahead and had her do so, even though I know it doesn't count toward her 100. Instead of opting for a baby, I gave a child Sim a forever home. Everyone, meet Bruce!

Ciel and Bruce got along great right away. But both Bethany and Alyssa received angry moods over their "unwanted sibling" D: I felt so bad for Bruce :(

Joanna's pregnancy was progressing beautifully. Alyssa wanted to get in on the bump action <3

I had Joanna upgrade one of the sinks. I'm not necessarily in love with the new upgrade system purely for the fact that it basically REQUIRES you to do a specific something (scavenge for parts) in order to obtain parts to fix things. But at the same time I like that it's something different/adds a little to the game. Idk. It's not my favorite new feature but it's not awful.

Wow, is there a chance there are multiples in that ginormous belly?!

Guess it's time to find out! It's go time!

Joanna gave birth to another set of twins! And guess what...THEY'RE NO LONGER DEMON BABIES!!! First up, let's meet little miss Stephanie Tredway <3

And next, I am VERY pleased to introduce to you our FIRST baby boy of this challenge - Breckin Tredway!

Poor Joanna was exhausted and her plumbob was super red. As soon as she gave birth, she walked into the hallway and promptly crashed. And then my game followed her example and did the same thing D: Let's hope this is just a freak thing and not a result of the newest update - cause I hadn't had any crashes prior to the update :(

Hope you guys enjoyed the update! Tune in next time to see Joanna handle babies for the first time in this challenge! Also, we'll get to meet our first reader submitted daddy! Until then, happy simming!


  1. Nooo, no crashing! CUT THAT OUT GAME. But yay twins, and a boy! That's awesome. Update was great, I lol'd at Joanna's pervy-ness. The wedding was also super cute, yay for that as well! I agree with you on the repair thing. I'm also having a problem trying to complete the childhood aspiration Social Butterfly. He has to make FIVE child friends and three adult friends. Problem being just when he's about to become friends they all age up into teens and it no longer counts. -_- He as 3 days left as a child, I don't think it's gonna happen.

    Anyhow great update! Lookin forward to more!

    1. Yeeeaahh I'm gonna hop in game in a little bit and do some play testing to see how it plays for awhile. I really hope I won't see anymore crashing. Thanks for reading, glad you enjoyed :) Yeah those aspirations are kind of hard to reach....I hate to be a pessimist, but I don't see that happening either haha. Good luck, though!!
